"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you." - Luke 10:19
I feel like the phrase of the "authority of God" is thrown around a lot in the Christian world, but not many people seem to know how to access it for themselves.
I think this is because the world's definition and God's definition of authority are completely different.
The world says when someone is in a place of authority, they have the power to do whatever they want, which is mostly for their own advantage. They can put in place laws and make decisions all for their own gain and in line with what they value.
It's also often seen as being the opposite of humble. People see those in authority as prideful, cutting others down who get in their way. They tend to assert themselves and act in a way which is "my way or the highway" - which isn't very nice to be around.
So it's safe to say that authority is depicted in society as a negative thing. But God's narrative tells a different story.
God's authority symbolises His power. It gives us the victory over any situation or trial that the enemy throws at us, because Jesus overcame the enemy once and for all in God's authority and power.
This means that we shouldn't shy away from our enemies. He hasn't designed us to live in bondage, and has a way for us to break free of this. In His authority, we have the power to overcome our enemies and claim the victory in our own lives.